Arpad Balogh
SEO Expert

Hi, I’m Arpad Balogh, an SEO Professional from Hungary and the founder of Slothio. If you love bad jokes and dogs, we are going to be great friends!

Who is Arpad Balogh?

Arpad is an SEO Expert and Digital Marketing Strategist from Hungary. With over 8 years of experience in SEO, he has set himself on a mission to help Small Business owners generate more traffic and customers through Google.

He has created hundreds of SEO strategies for Small Business owners, and has realized that there are certain similarities in every strategy he created. This realization gave birth to the idea of Slothio, where he teaches these things that anyone can apply on their Small Business website to generate more customers and be more happy.

More Information About Arpad Balogh

How Arpad Balogh's SEO Journey Started

I have started my SEO journey by searching for “How to make money online”.

I quickly realized, that SEO would be the perfect way to do that.

First of my projects were ranking videos on both YouTube and Google and earning some change from Adsense. Back then I didn’t have the budget to pour a bunch of money into my own projects, so I started experimenting with ranking parasite websites like Blogger and WordPress. It was very successful and have learned a lot.

Then, I have started ranking my own affiliate websites in the Hungarian market and helped a lot of smaller local businesses make more money and rank on the first page. One of my first projects was making a website for a local restaurant and ranking it.

Looking back, I made so many mistakes! But that is what we learn from!

I launched my own affiliate website in Hungary and actually dominated the tech market, making affiliate commissions.

I started getting interested in helping small business owners in the US, AU and the UK, so I have reached out to a bunch of people and landed my first client, a dating coach from the UK!

Since then, I learned so much with the help of my own projects, my clients, the mistakes I made, the books I read!

My motto is never stop learning and experimenting!


Arpad Balogh SEO Milestones

Arpad Balogh SEO Awards

Companies Founded by Arpad Balogh

Arpad has founded Slothio a digital company that offers straightforward SEO training for Small Business Owners.

Arpad Balogh as an Author

Arpad is the author of the book 5 Things to Fix On Your Website for Better SEO, which was released in published in January, 2022. 

Arpad Balogh as a Podcast Host

Arpad is the host of the Small Biz SEO Tips Podcast.

Arpad Balogh as a Podcast Guest

Arpad has appeared on the “The In Search SEO Podcast” on the Episode 113 which is named “5 Steps to Creating Spectacular Content with the help of AI – with Arpad Balogh“, which aired on July 12, 2022.

Arpad Balogh Social Profiles (You can find Arpad at)